About Me
My name is Marlena and I have always loved animals.

My name is Marlena and I’m an animal lover. From a young age I have always wanted to take care of and work with animals. My biggest passion has always been the dogs that were in my life from an early age. I currently have 3 wonderful dogs that I love very much and which I am very proud of. I am also a breeder and I already have had many litters which helped me gain knowledge about breeding which I can share now with people who are breeding their girls for the first time. Every single time when I can be a part of a dogs labor it is absolutely a wonderful and priceless experience for me.
I have completed Leeds Dog Grooming Academy and many courses thanks to wich I can work with my furry friends and help their owners.
Being a dog groomer an microchip implanter is giving me a lot of opportunities to be in the company of people who share the same passion in life as me. We can share our experiences and most importantly it is giving me the possibility to spend time with my furry friends.
We offer a mobile
chip service - we will
get to your pet!
Yorkshire Mobile Pet Microchipping Service operating
60 miles around Ripon.
Open 24 hours a day
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